The Making of 'Magical Maze'

The Making of 'Magical Maze'

About the Game

It's a game where you must solve a maze to complete it. The game consists of four levels, each with a different environment and increasing difficulty. Every maze has "Arrows" that can misdirect you.

The rules are simple: complete the maze as fast as possible.

Technology I used

Unity version 2022.3.4f1.

How its made

  1. I began by creating a third-person controller.

2)Imported all the maze models.

3)Adjusted the environment lightning, added some spot and point lights, "Arrows" and"Time Tokens".

4)Then I implemented the 3rd person controller into it, added collision, player - Time token interaction, and made starting and ending points in every maze.

5)Then I worked on UI:

  • UI for Timer:

    I just picked a background image and wrote a timer script that increases the timer value by one every second.

  • UI for the game:

    I just used the already-made UI asset from the Unity asset store.

    Unity Asset Store Link

6)Then I completed it by implementing a leaderboard.

I used this for leaderboard creation